Sunday, December 29, 2019

Persuasive Speech On Abortion - 981 Words

Why are you killing an innocent child? What did they ever do to deserve this? Why are thousands of innocent children killed every day? We ask ourselves these questions every time we hear of an abortion, murder, or abuse. But do we say it when we hear a friend, sibling, or someone else has an abortion? Isn’t this the same thing, the killing or abuse of a child? Many people believe this isn’t because they are â€Å"tissue† but this is incorrect. â€Å"Don’t tell me these are not children a heart beat proves that. So does a 4-d ultrasound. So do I. And so does the fact that they are selling human organs for profit.† -Gianna Jessen She was born with 90% of her body covered in burns, ALIVE. She suffers from Cerebral Palsy from being deprived†¦show more content†¦They tell us their tissue, but if their tissue how do their bones break in utero? How can part of their brain be missing? How can they have a tumor if they are just tissue? G ianna saw her biological mother at an event and forgave her for her actions. She isn’t angry at her mother for trying to kill her. Abortion does not make you unpregnant it just makes you a mother of a dead child. â€Å"Abortion has never been about â€Å"choice† It’s about escaping the consequences of your choices by taking away the â€Å"choices† of the most innocent around us† -unknown This is the truest statement ever. We don’t abort babies just because we feel like it. We abort them because they were a â€Å"mistake†, or we didn’t want them. These precious children aren’t mistakes they are miracles. â€Å"We often hear that if planned parenthood is defunded their would be a health crisis among women without their services they provide. This is absolutely false, pregnancy resource centers are located nationwide for an option for women in a crisis† Gianna Jessen said this. If we stop sending 50 million of our tax dollars to planned parenthood, millions of children will be saved. Planned parenthood doesn’t help families, but destroys them. There is proof of this. Gianna doesn’t see her cerebral Palsy as a disgrace, but as a blessing. â€Å"You continuously use the argument that if the baby is disabled, we need to terminate the pregnancy, as if you can determine the quality ofShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Speech On Abortion734 Words   |  3 PagesPersuasive Essay-My Stand on Abortion Fatty cheeks, fat hands and feet, and the cutest face is what I see when I look at a baby. In my opinion babies are the most gorgeous things on earth. Every time I see one I tell myself, I cant wait to have one of my own someday. So, in saying all of this, why would anyone want to give up the joy of having a baby in their arms? Why would anyone have an abortion? They are killing an innocent child who could have become an amazing person and the mother will haveRead MorePersuasive Speech : Is Abortion Immoral?797 Words   |  4 PagesPersuasive speech Is abortion immoral? 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Anatomy Of The Anthropology Department That I Found

My name is Sean Keefe and I am an intern for the recently deceased Harvey Manfrenjensenjen. While sorting through samples I came across 6 hominin skulls that lack analysis. In this project, I am going to explain and talk about the six skulls in the Anthropology Department that I found. To do this, I will use what I have learned in lecture, as well as numerous outside sources to describe three defining characteristics for each skull. Additionally, I will provide necessary information about each skull if needed. After that, I will put the fossil samples in evolutionary order form the oldest to the youngest. Lastly, I will include a family tree that shows age comparison and ancestral relationships between the homonids. The first skull that I observed in the Anthropology Department belongs to Australopithecus robustus. Australopithecus robustus was first named by the eminent Dr. Robert Broom. The A. robustus leftovers generally come from three different sites: Swartkrans (largest), D reimulen, and Kromdraai. One of the major problems with these South African sites is dating, but generally, robustus remains can be safely placed from 2.0-1.0 myr, and possibly even earlier. Australopithecus robustus has many features that are specifically distinct to A. robustus. This skull has very thick jaws; small incisors, canines, large, molar-like premolars and very large molars. The height of Australopithecus robustus is between 1.1-1.3 meters, and the weight is between 40-80 Kg. TheShow MoreRelatedBiography of Dr. Erin Watson Essay examples943 Words   |  4 Pagesto be best in whatever she does. She is a determined person, always working to achieve what she wants. She’s a person who moved to Louisiana from Seattle just for her graduate studies. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Madonna Case Analysis Free Essays

The following case study covers the foundation of Madonna’s business success and her continued global popularity over the past 20 years. Madonna has influenced people all over the world. Her quest for Superstardom is evident in her wide range of endeavors such as her records, concerts, movies, books, and charity events. We will write a custom essay sample on Madonna Case Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now She has the skill to market herself as a product while maintaining an edge, yet it is her experiences and sense of the world, art, fashion, drama and most importantly her intellect that make Madonna a global superstar. In examining Madonna’s career from a strategic analysis it is important to recognize her global and industrial impact as well as look into her brand name from a business perspective. Regarding her brand name there is competition, strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats. Analysis Environmental Analysis Madonna has had a great impact on the global environment through her countless charity efforts. Specifically, in 2006 she started an organization called Raising Malawi, a non-profit organization supporting community based organizations that provide vulnerable children and caregivers with nutritious food, proper clothing, secure shelter, formal education, targeted medical care, emotional care and psychosocial support. In addition, Raising Malawi supports non-government organizations that offer impoverished families with innovative opportunities for sustainability such as Millennium Promise and International Medical Corps. Millennium Promise is a non-profit organization which works towards the halving extreme poverty in Africa by 2015, working with impoverished communities, national and local governments, and partner organizations to implement high-impact programs aimed at transforming lives on the continent and engaging donor nations, corporations, and the general public in the effort. Also, on corporate, community, and academic levels, Madonna matches every dollar donated to Raising Malawi. In addition to her own organization she still donates to several other causes, many relating to children, and is a patron of Children of Peace, a foundation that is dedicated to supporting programs that serve traumatized children regardless of race, religion or cultural background. Industry Analysis The music industry can be a difficult place to achieve long-term success. This is has been proved hundreds of times in cases of the infamous â€Å"one hit wonders†. It is an industry where an entertainer can literally go from being star to being a has-been overnight. Music fans like to hear something new and fresh, which can be difficult for many musicians accomplish. Madonna has kept reinventing herself and her music, and thus has had a tremendous impact on the music industry. Her kind of talent comes along very rarely. In terms of industry success, she is the female Elvis Presley. Firm Analysis Madonna is the clear leader of her corporation and is the ultimate businesswoman. From her legendary work ethic to her moves as a businesswoman, Madonna is a resounding corporate success. Her career was further enhanced by film appearances despite mixed reviews. She won critical acclaim and a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in Motion Picture Musical or Comedy for her role in Evita (1996), but has received harsh criticism for other film roles. Madonna’s other business ventures include being a fashion designer, children’s book author, film director and producer. In 2007, she signed an unprecedented $120 million contract with Live Nation. Madonna has sold more than 300 million records worldwide and is recognized as the world’s top-selling female recording artist of all time by the Guinness World Records. According to the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), she is the best-selling female rock artist of the 20th century and the second top-selling female artist in the United States, behind Barbra Streisand, with 64 million certified albums. In 2008, Billboard magazine ranked Madonna at number two, behind only The Beatles, on the Billboard Hot 100 All-Time Top Artists, making her the most successful solo artist in the history of the Billboard chart. She was also inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in the same year. Current Problems As with most things in life, tastes change. Madonna will have to continue producing music to meet the changing tastes of her fan base. She has been successful at this in the past, but distractions exist now that didn’t exist before, and this may cause her to lose focus on the music. An ongoing problem that hurts Madonna directly in the purse is the ease in which music can be downloaded for free from the internet. Most consumers want music at the best possible price, and don’t really consider how this hurts the artist who produced it. SWOT Analysis Strengths: The Madonna name, all by itself, makes people stand up and take notice. Madonna’s work ethic and drive to succeed are major strengths as well. The constant reinvention of herself and her music make Madonna a force to be reckoned with. Her involvement with charitable causes adds to the overall strength of the Madonna brand name. Her live shows are perennial sell-outs because her music appeals to a worldwide audience. Weaknesses: Madonna’s charitable work can also be a weakness because time spent with charitable causes takes time away from writing and performing her music. Madonna is getting older, and aging does take its toll on a person’s energy level. Getting actively involved with music, movies, charitable causes, and family might create a situation where Madonna is spread too thin. One or more areas of her career might suffer as a consequence. Opportunities: The music-loving world seems to get bored with â€Å"old† and craves â€Å"new†. With her endless talent, Madonna can provide the â€Å"new† that the public wants. In fact in January 2008 she was named the world’s wealthiest female musician by Forbes magazine, with estimated earnings of more than $72 million in the last year alone. Madonna has had a unique way of reinventing herself and evolving as a person and musician. Her constant evolvement has kept her highly respected and sought after. Her name by itself creates opportunity. Anywhere she wants to put her name it will generate profit. Her opportunities are endless. This is evident in her endeavors such as her records, concerts, movies, books, and charity events. Threats: Fans of motion pictures love young, new talent. The same is true for the music industry. Up and coming musicians are a direct threat to Madonna’s reign at the top of the charts. Also, throughout Madonna’s career she has been a lightning rod for religious and sexual controversy. Discussion Critical Issues If the past repeats itself, Madonna will be a success in any venture she undertakes. If she decides to be more involved in her charitable causes, Madonna’s focus must be on these charities and not on starring in a movie. As Madonna gets older, the ability to perform live night after night will diminish. This issue might have a solution if venues with a large seating capacity are used, and some smaller cities are left off the tour schedule. Recommendations and Rationale I think it is safe to say that Madonna can accomplish anything she wants. She will be mentioned historically in the same context as Elvis Presley and Paul McCartney. Her concerts consistently sell out globally. Wherever her name brand is it is generating revenue. At this point in her life she has assumed iconic status and her opportunities are endless. At this point it’s up to her to indicate what she wants to do next. Conclusion Considered to be one of the â€Å"25 Most Powerful Women of the Past Century† by Time for being an influential figure in contemporary music, Madonna is known for continuously reinventing both her music and image, and for retaining a fresh and hip standard within the recording industry. She is recognized as an inspiration among numerous music artists and her humanitarian work touches thousands, if not millions of lives. References How to cite Madonna Case Analysis, Essay examples