Sunday, December 29, 2019

Persuasive Speech On Abortion - 981 Words

Why are you killing an innocent child? What did they ever do to deserve this? Why are thousands of innocent children killed every day? We ask ourselves these questions every time we hear of an abortion, murder, or abuse. But do we say it when we hear a friend, sibling, or someone else has an abortion? Isn’t this the same thing, the killing or abuse of a child? Many people believe this isn’t because they are â€Å"tissue† but this is incorrect. â€Å"Don’t tell me these are not children a heart beat proves that. So does a 4-d ultrasound. So do I. And so does the fact that they are selling human organs for profit.† -Gianna Jessen She was born with 90% of her body covered in burns, ALIVE. She suffers from Cerebral Palsy from being deprived†¦show more content†¦They tell us their tissue, but if their tissue how do their bones break in utero? How can part of their brain be missing? How can they have a tumor if they are just tissue? G ianna saw her biological mother at an event and forgave her for her actions. She isn’t angry at her mother for trying to kill her. Abortion does not make you unpregnant it just makes you a mother of a dead child. â€Å"Abortion has never been about â€Å"choice† It’s about escaping the consequences of your choices by taking away the â€Å"choices† of the most innocent around us† -unknown This is the truest statement ever. We don’t abort babies just because we feel like it. We abort them because they were a â€Å"mistake†, or we didn’t want them. These precious children aren’t mistakes they are miracles. â€Å"We often hear that if planned parenthood is defunded their would be a health crisis among women without their services they provide. This is absolutely false, pregnancy resource centers are located nationwide for an option for women in a crisis† Gianna Jessen said this. If we stop sending 50 million of our tax dollars to planned parenthood, millions of children will be saved. Planned parenthood doesn’t help families, but destroys them. There is proof of this. Gianna doesn’t see her cerebral Palsy as a disgrace, but as a blessing. â€Å"You continuously use the argument that if the baby is disabled, we need to terminate the pregnancy, as if you can determine the quality ofShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Speech On Abortion734 Words   |  3 PagesPersuasive Essay-My Stand on Abortion Fatty cheeks, fat hands and feet, and the cutest face is what I see when I look at a baby. In my opinion babies are the most gorgeous things on earth. Every time I see one I tell myself, I cant wait to have one of my own someday. So, in saying all of this, why would anyone want to give up the joy of having a baby in their arms? Why would anyone have an abortion? They are killing an innocent child who could have become an amazing person and the mother will haveRead MorePersuasive Speech : Is Abortion Immoral?797 Words   |  4 PagesPersuasive speech Is abortion immoral? 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