Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Anatomy Of The Anthropology Department That I Found

My name is Sean Keefe and I am an intern for the recently deceased Harvey Manfrenjensenjen. While sorting through samples I came across 6 hominin skulls that lack analysis. In this project, I am going to explain and talk about the six skulls in the Anthropology Department that I found. To do this, I will use what I have learned in lecture, as well as numerous outside sources to describe three defining characteristics for each skull. Additionally, I will provide necessary information about each skull if needed. After that, I will put the fossil samples in evolutionary order form the oldest to the youngest. Lastly, I will include a family tree that shows age comparison and ancestral relationships between the homonids. The first skull that I observed in the Anthropology Department belongs to Australopithecus robustus. Australopithecus robustus was first named by the eminent Dr. Robert Broom. The A. robustus leftovers generally come from three different sites: Swartkrans (largest), D reimulen, and Kromdraai. One of the major problems with these South African sites is dating, but generally, robustus remains can be safely placed from 2.0-1.0 myr, and possibly even earlier. Australopithecus robustus has many features that are specifically distinct to A. robustus. This skull has very thick jaws; small incisors, canines, large, molar-like premolars and very large molars. The height of Australopithecus robustus is between 1.1-1.3 meters, and the weight is between 40-80 Kg. TheShow MoreRelatedBiography of Dr. Erin Watson Essay examples943 Words   |  4 Pagesto be best in whatever she does. She is a determined person, always working to achieve what she wants. She’s a person who moved to Louisiana from Seattle just for her graduate studies. 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